7 Valuable Lessons I Learned From Difficult Times

Asutosh Jena
2 min readDec 2, 2023

No times are bad or good, it may be difficult sometimes. If you are ready to learn from the situations, you can conquer the world. I leant a lot from the difficult times and felt worthy sharing here.

  1. Failure is necessary to grow:

Failure and success aren’t opposites; they are parts of the process. Failure is the learning milestone of success. You might have heard about the invention of electric bulb by Thomas Alva Edison at his 100th attempt. When he was interviewed by a news reporter about the failure journey of 100 times, he replied that “I learnt 99 ways by which you can’t create an electric bulb and learn one way by which it can be created”.

2. Accept failure positively.

F-A-I-L: First Attempt In Learning. So embarrass failure as a learning tool. But if you are not learning from the failures, then its hazardous. Just do- fail- learn- and do it again more effectively.

3. Difficult times are necessary:

Life isn’t a linear line; it’s a wave of good and evil. Embrace the tough times because they help you grow, thrive, and teach you to be grateful.

4. Problems aren’t always negative:

Some storms come to clear your path. When you can’t decide where to go, a problem will arise to clear the path and guide you to your destination. You might have listen the famous hindi quote “Daar ke aage jeet hai”.

5. Change is constant, not variable:

You are always in a state of constant change. Wherever you try to settle in any situation, an event may arise that forces you to change. And that’s how the world works. You are in a mode of discovering and learning your new versions.

6. Energy is finite; invest it wisely:

Pick your battles wisely. That’s the way to survive in this world. Every action doesn’t require your reaction. Your reactions to specific actions set the tone in your life. So, choose where you want to invest your energy.

7. Be grateful for everything:

You should thrive on living a peaceful life alongside your hustle to live a great life. When you’re grateful for the small things around you, happiness will cost less. And that’s what every individual should aim for finding happiness in small things. If you are the person who loves charity despite of any size, then you can multiply your happiness.

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Asutosh Jena

Digital Transformation Coach. Is a Best Selling Author, Entrepreneur & a Social Activist. Founder of #MyDigitalGurukul & #TouchingIndiaFoundation