Embracing Mental Health as a Universal Human Right

Asutosh Jena
3 min readOct 10, 2023
Photo by Marcel Strauß on Unsplash

In a world where the pace of life seems to grow ever faster, the theme of World Mental Health Day 2023 carries profound significance: “Mental Health is a Universal Human Right.” This theme underscores the fundamental importance of mental well-being as a basic human right, echoing the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In this article, we explore the theme and the critical role it plays in shaping a healthier, more equitable world.

The Global Mental Health Challenge

Mental health issues are pervasive, affecting people from all corners of the globe, regardless of their age, gender, race or socioeconomic status. The COVID-19 pandemic has only exacerbated this global challenge, highlighting the need for urgent action. While physical health concerns have long been a priority, the theme of World Mental Health Day 2023 calls attention to the fact that mental health is equally essential and should be treated as such.

Mental Health as a Human Right

The concept that mental health is a universal human right is grounded in the principle that every individual deserves to live a life free from discrimination, stigma and the burden of mental distress. Mental health is not a privilege for a select few; it is an intrinsic part of our human experience, deserving of respect, dignity and access to care.

Eradicating Stigma: Stigma and discrimination against those with mental health conditions are major obstacles to seeking help and support. Recognizing mental health as a human right means actively challenging stereotypes and prejudices, fostering understanding and creating inclusive societies.

Access to Quality Care: Access to mental health care is a fundamental aspect of this human right. Governments and healthcare systems worldwide must invest in mental health services, making them affordable, accessible and of high quality for everyone.

Promoting Mental Well-Being: Mental well-being should not be limited to treating illness but should encompass preventive measures as well. This includes promoting resilience, emotional intelligence and mental health awareness from a young age.

Advocating for Vulnerable Populations: It is crucial to advocate for the rights of vulnerable populations, such as refugees, survivors of trauma and those living in conflict zones, who often face disproportionately high rates of mental health challenges.

Community Support: Communities play a pivotal role in supporting mental health. Building social connections, reducing isolation and fostering a sense of belonging are integral to ensuring that mental health is universally respected.

A Call to Action

As we mark World Mental Health Day in 2023, let us remember that mental health is not an isolated concern but a thread woven into the fabric of human rights. It is a call to action, a plea to shift our collective mindset to one that values and prioritizes mental well-being on a global scale.

The theme “Mental Health is a Universal Human Right” challenges us to recognize that mental health knows no boundaries. It is an issue that affects us all and, as such, requires a united effort. By embracing this theme and taking concrete steps to uphold mental health as a human right, we can pave the way for a more just, compassionate and equitable world.


World Mental Health Day 2023 serves as a poignant reminder that mental health is not a privilege; it is a birthright. It is a reminder that we all have a role to play in promoting mental health, breaking down barriers, and advocating for the rights of those living with mental health conditions. By recognizing mental health as a universal human right, we move one step closer to a world where every individual can thrive in both body and mind, free from the shackles of stigma and discrimination.

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Asutosh Jena

Digital Transformation Coach. Is a Best Selling Author, Entrepreneur & a Social Activist. Founder of #MyDigitalGurukul & #TouchingIndiaFoundation